Growth Mindset: Learning Around the World

(Picture from MindShift)

Hello everyone! This week I read a article about growth mindset. It mentioned the differences between eastern and western teaching differences. Western schooling teaches the students the struggle is a sign of low ability, while eastern schooling teaches that struggle is an opportunity and room to grow. Although this is the case, there are both advantages and disadvantages to both types of teaching. Eastern students are not as creative and become "robots." So, Asian countries also have their concerns. It leads me to wonder if a country can adapt to both teaching styles; however, it is difficult for any country to change how they teach their students. I do believe that Western and Eastern cultures can adapt some traits both each other. I am curious if studies have been done to explore the relationship between Western and Eastern teaching styles. As I have mentioned in my previous growth mindset posts, I hope I am also able to improve my way of thinking. 



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