Topic Research: Dhanwantari

(Lord Dhanwantari 

Out of the four topics I researched, I choose Dhanwantari!  Dhanwantari is the Hindu god of medicine, and is an embodiment of Lord Vishnu, a Hindu god who protects and preserves the world. For my three stories, I want to explore the stories of the Churning of the Ocean. the Amrita, and Dhanwantari's Ayurveda medicinal practice. I listed the stories in this order for a particular reason. The first story would showcase how Lord Dhanwantari came to be. He was one of the 14 objects that came out of the churning of the ocean and held the Amrita (nectar of immortality). The second story would serve to show the connection between his medicinal powers and the Amrita. Although the Amrita is associated with immortality, this is not the case. Drinking the Amrita actually gives the drinker higher knowledge and power. The last story would illustrate his legacy and how the practice of Ayurveda came to be! I discovered a great source that provided a lot of information about Dhanwantari and Ayurveda. Each of the sources I found provided background and stories about Lord Dhanwantari and his connection to my three stories. So, these would be my key features of my stories!


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