Week 10 Lab: Writers Write

(A Writer Writing

I will be doing the Writers Write Lab! I found two helpful articles when I was browsing through the Writers Write website. They were: 7 Tips to Remove Distractions While Blogging, and 140 Woods to Describe Mood in Fiction. They were actually some of the first articles I saw. Recently, I have been becoming slow, unproductive, and prone to distractions. This has lead to repetitive writing instead of creative and new writing. It is hard to think of new ideas and effectively translate what I aim to get across. So, these two articles gave me some great insight! The former discussed ways to remove distractions when doing any type of writing. Some of these tips can also be used in daily life and in my other classes as well. The latter article discussed writing mechanics such as tone, syntax, style, and many other things. I mentioned in a previous blog post that my writing is not where I want it to be. By actually seeing how the mechanics work and 140 words to describe mood, it has inspired me to experiment my writing in different ways. Therefore, I plan on utilizing these skills!



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